Does My Business Need A Website?

March 11, 2021

You may be asking yourself, Do I really need a website? The answer is YES, and let me tell you why…

Of course there are businesses that solely sell products or list their services through social media, and while that is a way to do business, it may not be the most beneficial for yours. Having a website is a great way to showcase your work/products/services. Consumers today are more likely to buy from a business that has a website because online presence nowadays is IMPORTANT for a business. Why? Because people like to see what they are buying laid out in a professional manner. Just think about it, whenever you look for a company to do business with, what is it that you look for? Do you go straight to their website or social media? Some would say that having a website is the most important aspect of your business, and I agree.

It Also Has To Look Good

Most people will judge your business on appearance, and not having a regular business attribute like a website, may be more harmful than you think. Having information about your business like; your list of services, description of products, and contact information all in one place with eye-catching photos or a unique color scheme, is really pleasing to a consumer’s eye.

Hmm, I Wonder If Other People Like This Company?

On a website you can have your customer reviews listed. This will help build a trusting relationship with your consumer. If there are people advocating for your company and saying how great your product is, that goes a loooonnggg way in the buying process. 

How Do I Get More Customers?

Having a website that utilizes SEO (Search Engine Optimization) will only benefit your business and direct traffic to your products or services. There are so many searches Google encounters in a day, there may be someone looking for your product or service in your area at this very moment! Don’t miss out on that potential customer because you don’t have a website. 

Hopefully you’ve realized that a website is one of the best investments you can make for your business.

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Written by Jazmine Stevenson